Container Subscriptions — IGS Plantscaping Group

Seasonal Container Subscriptions - Residential or Corporate

Want all the beauty with none of the work? Have containers outside your home or building that you just don’t have the time or know-how to keep up with? We can do it for you! IGS will custom design your seasonal containers, deliver your flowers & plant them. Prices range based on season and container size. Contact us below for your custom quote.



Nothing ushers in the spring like bright colors! Hydrangea, pussy willow and forsythia say, “Bye, bye” to the long Chicago winter and are sure signs of warmer times to come.



We can put containers for you Anywhere! These are on a client’s driveway, in 100% shade. A little color can spruce up ALL the spaces near your home.

Photo Oct 22, 12 06 05 PM.jpg


Most our flowers are locally grown, so they’re already acclimated when the weather gets colder. Keep your fall flowers through Thanksgiving for a festive, colorful holiday.

Photo Dec 02, 11 51 56 AM.jpg


Long Chicago winters need a little color. Winter greens are a perfect way to keep something looking fresh that lasts through the freezing months.


If you’d like for one of our design professionals to contact you for a consultation just fill out the form below - we would love the chance to make your entryway or patio something special!